Huawei: The vice president’s arrest and the spying of Beijing

2 min read

On December 1 was arrested in Vancouver, Canada, Meng Wanzhou, daughter of the founder of Huawei and vicepresident and CFO of the Chinese telecommunications giant, which is present in dozens of countries around the world with its routers and mobile phones.

The arrest was carried out on the basis of a US arrest warrant, requesting its extradition.

The reason concerns the violation of the US embargo against Iran, to which Huawei would have provided its technology.

Huawei is also suspected of espionage and endangering US national security.

What worries Washington is the wide spread of its hardware in the American telecommunications networks and its close relationship with the Chinese government.

Already in February the US secret services had alerted the American allies and consumers, inviting them to avoid Huawei technology, boycotting their devices, because at risk espionage.

The main executives of Huawei have close relations with the Chinese Communist Party, especially with its former leader Jiang Zemin.

For example, Sun Yafang, chairman of the board of the Chinese company and one of the most powerful women in the world, has previously worked for the MSS, the Chinese secret services.

Wang Youqun, a former CCP disciplinary official, told The Epoch Times that he knows a man who worked at Huawei and who revealed that the company was used by Chinese intelligence to provide information to the Jiang Zemin faction.

It should be noted that Huawei has played an important role in the creation of the “Great Chinese Firewall”, the national web monitoring and control system, which censors the “unwelcome” websites of the regime, such as those of Falun Gong, a ancient Chinese discipline of meditation persecuted by the Chinese government for 19 years.

In addition, according to G Data, a German computer security company, the mobile phones of some Chinese companies, such as Huawei, Lenovo and Xiaomi, contain malware, software that can listen to calls, track users and make purchases online.

According to a report from a few months ago, Chinese mobile phones that support voice assistant technology would have another disturbing aspect: when they detect sensitive words, such as “Falun Gong”, they would activate and record conversations between users and those who find nearby.

For more details on the persecution of Falun Gong, I refer you to this article:

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