So many lives, especially Falun Gong practitioners are victims of live organ harvesting and are dying today.
It is an atrocity that can’t go unaddressed! It must be stopped. Former Chinese primer Jiang Zemin must be brought to justice now!
Genocide and fascism should never be allowed to happen again.
As there isn’t justice and human rights in China, let’s unionize our power, and we, at (union peace association) call on everyone to file a petition to bring Jiang Zemin to Just Globally.
We shall bring all the signatures to the Truth Commission China. Through more people’s support, the TCC (Truth Commission China) will take action and bring the case of genocide, including evidence to the International People’s Tribunal and other international courts.
In July 1999, Jiang launched a nationwide persecution against Falun Gong and its practitioners in China. He ordered an unpresendented persecution against over 70 million Falun Gong adherants in China thereby committing crimes against humanity.
Jiang Zemin unlawfully went against the objections of the other Chinese Communistic Party leaders.
Falun Gong practitioners were arrested, tortured, placed in labor camps and brainwashing centers. They were forced to sign statements renouncing their faith in Falun Gong.
According to the Falun Gong website, http://en.minghui.org, which serves as a platform for first-hand reports by persecuted practitioners, over 4,000 documented practitioners have been confirmed murdered through torture and other means.
The number of murders and deaths is believed to be much higher.
The persecution has led to high profiling cases against the Falun Gong practitioners.
Since 2006, practitioners are being used in a horrific system of live organ harvesting. Cases matching donors for those of Chinese citizens and others who need organ transplants are able to procure organs in a matter of days.
Known as prisoners of conscience in prisons, hospitals, and labor camps, Falun Gong practitioners are killed on demand.
Barry Simon, Vice President of Resource Development at the Southern California Division of the United Nations Association, said the number of people suing such a high-ranking Chinese official is surprising.
“When I hear of the number of people being impacted, it just brings tears to my eyes” Simon said. He has since joined with Falun Gong practitioners in suing Jiang Zemin.
He compared the act to Jews suing Hitler.
Dana Churchill, representative of the group Doctors Against Organ Harvesting (DAFOH)) said researchers estimated that at least 60,000 Falun Gong practitioners have been murdered for their organs.
Tibetans, Uyghurs, and Christians are also being killed.
The President of the Tibetan Association of Southern California, Dolkar Gakyil Yangchen supports the Falun Gong cause and calls the adherants her brothers and sisters.
“Just like the Falun Gong, Tibetans are also being persecuted by the Communist government, they are suffering every single day,”she said.
Yangchen commented; “Bringing Jiang Zemin to justice can help stop the persecution of Falun Gong and can also solve a lot of the problems of corruption inside China, including Tibet!”
For more information on TCC, please go to the website, http://www.truthccn.org .
Thank you for your support! Each voice counts!”