A registered Democratic Party member exposed the Philadelphia ballots for cheating seriously.

4 min read

A registered Democratic Party member exposed the Philadelphia ballots for cheating seriously. He said that this was a premeditated coup and an unprecedented crisis of democracy and freedom in the United States. The video has Chinese subtitles and the translation is completely accurate.

The U.S. election is currently in the midst of a controversy of large-scale fraud, and parties or insiders continue to testify against fraud in some swing states. A few days ago, Brian McCafferty, a Democratic registered scrutineer in Pennsylvania, and Patrick Colbeck, a registered scrutineer in Michigan, respectively spoke out about the cheating of votes in their respective states.

Brian McCafferty, a registered member of the Democratic Party, revealed that there was serious election fraud in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He said that he was excluded from 30 to 100 feet when he was monitoring the counting of votes and was not allowed to monitor the counting process. He bluntly said that this is a coup against the President of the United States. This matter has nothing to do with who the presidential candidate is, but the democratic system of the United States. He accused Philadelphia’s senior officials of serious corruption.

After the related videos were uploaded on Twitter, they received the attention and repost of many netizens, and attracted the attention of other media. Fox News then contacted the scrutineer Brian McCafferty and conducted an online interview. Brian McCafferty gave a detailed account of his experience in supervising the counting of votes at the Philadelphia Convention Center. He accused the counting center of rushing all supervisors to a place where “nothing can be seen” and preventing them from performing their supervisory duties normally. Because of the situation at the scene, he was driven out of the counting center.

On the day after the U.S. election day (4th), former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani once tweeted that “I was going to Philadelphia with the legal team because of (there) large-scale vote fraud.” Afterwards, the Trump (Trump) camp filed a complaint with the Philadelphia County Election Committee, accusing the county of counting votes without the presence of a Republican scrutineer, and demanding that Philadelphia suspend the counting of votes. The court of appeal later ruled that Republican scrutineers were allowed to enter the counting place, but the Philadelphia Counting Office still refused to allow Republican scrutineers to enter and supervise. The Trump team then again asked the judge to issue an emergency injunction, but it was rejected by the District Court Judge Paul Diamond.
In addition, during the Michigan State Senate campaign, it also broke out that the Republican scrutineers were denied their supervisory duties. The state’s vote-counting observers bluntly stated that Democrats are trying to steal the election results.
According to the Epoch Times (English version) report on the 6th, John James, a Republican running for the Senate, criticized local election officials for suppressing voters and interfering in elections. Stuart Sandler, an adviser to the James campaign team, told Fox News that there were many violations and lack of integrity in the counting process. James could have obtained a decisive victory, but by midnight, the result of the vote suddenly appeared abnormal.
Sandler said: “There are all kinds of fraud, including according to reports, at 3:30 in the morning, 35,000 fraudulent votes were counted.”
He also revealed that the counting center controlled by Democratic officials would not allow doubters to enter and that Republican scrutineers were prevented from getting food and water. When they go out to buy food and water, they will never be returned. There were also various interruptions throughout the counting process.

Registered voting observer and former Michigan Republican state senator Patrick Colbeck (Patrick Colbeck) oversees the counting of votes at the Detroit Cobo Convention Center (TCF Center) on Wednesday. He told Fox News that what he observed was “chaotic and completely lacking in transparency.”
“At the most critical moment, we were explicitly denied entry into the ballot counting area. You know, this explains the problem.”
Kolbeck condemned that this is not a free and fair election. He also said that he has been paying attention to this matter for a long time and hopes that the media can promote it-Democrats are trying to steal the election results. He pointed out, “The best way to fight back against this is to let people know what is happening.”

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