Help bring down the Great Fire Wall of China。征签推倒中国的防火墙!

2 min read

Help bring down the Great Fire Wall of China, who’s shutting down the VPN services nationwide.

Since 1990s’, Beijing has been spending on building the Great FireWall, or GFW, legislation and projects initiated by the government, to attempt to regulate the Internet in Mainland China. Meanwhile, programmers have written codes to help Chinese Internet users to access sites blocked by GFW. For a moment, Chinese people seemed to be able to use VPN services to access the outside world, if they bother to try.

However, Beijing has tightened the grip by shutting down many, if not all, VPN services in China. Secret Polices were even sent to coerce VPN developers to stop updating the services. Mainland China is currently an island, walled from the currents of free Internet.

But NO ONE is an island and NO ONE should be. We hereby petition the Obama administration to help tear down the GFW

A new petition create on, and ask for your support. If this petition gets 99,999 signatures by June 18, 2016, the White House will review it and respond

We the People allows anyone to create and sign petitions asking the Obama Administration to take action on a range of issues. If a petition gets enough support, the Obama Administration will issue an official response.

You can view and sign the petition here:


世界的流弊不是自由造成的,不是某些人講的太自由了。中国的流弊是還不夠自由。怎麽說呢? 除了外在自由環境的禁锢,我們自己的內心也受到各種綑綁。不敢去飛,只會在地面亂跑。而外在的自由環境的禁锢其实是内心的自我的捆绑对应出的镜像而已。真正的自由來在心靈的、精神的與整體思想境界得徹底解放,把人從千百年來的價值觀與自我的執著中解開來。不要當舊時代的奴隸,要當自己是国家的主人。









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