In late November an unnamed Chinese scientist was stopped by Security personnel at Detroit Metro Airport for three medical vials...
The moon has been used through the ages for observing the seasons, cycles and time. The Chinese calendar uses a...
Dit was ongetwyfeld bewys dat die Shjinese staat groot getalle persone vir hul organe doodmaak en die wêreld moet optree...
Jesus won't save you --- President Xi Jinping will, all Chinese Christians are being told. The Chinese Communist Party tells...
Empress Zhangsun, (長孫皇后, (15 March 601 – 28 July 636, formally addressed as Empress Wendeshunsheng (文德順聖皇后, was the wife of...
Imagine an entire town swallowed by nature. If you happen to be in China at the mouth of the Yangtze... It seems like we are living in a peaceful time. Maybe you haven't noticed yet, but at this point,...
One can't help but admire the tenacity and courage of the practitioners of Falun Dafa. The practice has been banned...
In 說文解字 (Shuo wen jie zi), the first Chinese dictionary published in the early second century CE, Jade was defined as "beautiful stones". Here...
When a group of qigong practitioners organized a major demonstration in the Chinese capital on 25 April 1999 to appeal...
We have been hearing for years about Human Rights Issues in China now. It's reached a critical point and something...
On April 18, a group of European Union parliamentarians called to sanction China for its human rights abuses against Falun...
The moon has been used through the ages for observing the seasons, cycles and time. The Chinese calendar uses a...