Heartfelt Easter Message of Hope Uplifts Many in the United States
3 min readApril 14, 2020, by Li Ao

American flag with the Statue of Liberty. A few days ago, American economists and senior pastors’ more consistent views on the hope of getting out of the virus disaster revealed the key to the crisis in the United States. (Photo source: Fotolia / CC0)
American economist Peter. Morici (Peter Morici) and senior pastor Robert. Jeffress (Robert Jeffress) coincidentally talked about goodwill, concerted efforts, and faith as the hope and key to helping the United States out of the disaster. At the same time, Morici also responded to President Trump’s’ announcement that he would form a second working group to reopen the economy, saying “this is very important.”
According to Fox News, Easter Sunday, when the former chief economist of the United States International Trade Commission Moric was asked in Fox & Friends Weekend whether he thought the US economy would be like a “rocket ship” “When taking off like that, he said:” I think on the day of hope (Easter), we should also show some confidence. “
He continued: “In the face of great challenges, the United States can indeed play its best.” “When faced with severe challenges, the United States will do amazing things.
Morici said, “I think we can be sure that the US private sector, the best talent in the government, goodwill, and the two parties working together will help us weather the crisis of the virus outbreak. Recovering the economic growth of 22 trillion US dollars is indeed a difficult task, but we will achieve it again.”
Coincidentally, senior pastor Jeffreys of the First Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas, USA, also spoke at the Friends of Fox on Weekend on Easter Sunday, sharing the hope message he had learned in the pandemic.
Jeffries said: “The silver lining (in crisis) is that today more and more people will hear the message of Easter, the message of hope.”
He continued: “We live in the illusion that we can control our lives. But we can not. I think we will get an unprecedented reminder that life is short. And I think (in distress) we will be kinder to people around us.” He added that the virus will bring evil and disaster, but the goodwill of the heart and respect for God (God) will also be highlighted during the crisis.
Jeffries said that this is the message of hope, so “I really believe that we will get out of this crisis and become stronger.”