3 min readVedic vs Falun, the new way to see the universe energy movement from Vedic also nowadays. In ancient time Falun already symbolize it.
1:Table of multiplication
Ex: 2*5=10
Ex: 2*5=10
so the nymerological reduction
is 2*5=10 so 10 gives 1+0=1
3: Vedic square is the ancient wisdom, also proved by scientists nowadays that it shows out the universe energy movement.
The surprise of the relation between vedic square with Falun symbol
you will see in the corner of the Vedic is circle number, Falun is also have circle energy in the corner
the light blue is 4 group of same number, 8 push 1, 5 push 4, its turning, same as Falun
there are two waves from the center, same as Falun, 9 is the number of change, so the turning will change to another side each 9 times…………….

4: Falun also appears as the whole universe energy. it is the symbol of one ancient cultivation path from Buddha Maitreya. Nowadays falundafa introduce to the public again by master lihongzhi. since its magic proves good for health, it becomes more and more popular, and is forbidden in China because of CCP Chinese government’s jealousy.
According from Falundafa [ZHUAN FALUN]: “ This Falun emblem is the miniature of the universe. It also has its own form of existence and process of evolution in all other dimensions, so I call it a world.”
“The symbol of our Falun Dafa is Falun. Those with supernormal abilities can see that this Falun is rotating. The same is true for our small Falun badges, which are also rotating. Our cultivation is guided by Zhen-Shan-Ren, the characteristic of the universe, and by the principles of the cosmos’ evolution. Therefore, what we cultivate is quite immense. In a sense, this Falun emblem is a miniature of the universe. The Buddha School conceptualizes the universe as a World of Ten Directions with four faces and eight sides. Perhaps some people can see a vertical energy column above and below Falun. With its top and bottom, Falun exactly makes up the ten-directional world and constitutes this universe. It represents the Buddha School’s summary of the universe.”
“This universe consists of two major schools, the Buddha School and the Tao School. With either of them excluded, it will not constitute a complete universe, and neither can it be called a complete universe. Consequently, we have included things from the Tao School. Also, some people have said that in addition to the Tao School, there are also Christianity, Confucianism, and other religions. Let me tell you that once its cultivation reaches a very high level, Confucianism belongs to the Tao School, and many religions in the West are classified as belonging to the Buddha School when their cultivation reaches high levels. There are only two such major schools.”
The Falun Emblem—ZHUAN FALUN
more discover from [ZHUAN FALUN]: